9. 04. 2023

slavic witchcraft symbols

[395] The theology of Slavic-Hill Rodnovery is pantheistic and polytheistic, and the movement's military orientation is reflected in its pantheon, which gives prominence to military deities headed by Perun, identified as the ruler of the universe. But there's little reason to believe it is a universal Slavic symbol, or that it was particular to Slavic Pagans. He ensures that the hunt is successful and that fishermen catch many fish. This was changed with the promulgation of a law "on freedom of conscience and religious organisation", backed by three deputies professing Rodnovery, whose members organised the pro-Russian Svarozhich Battalion (of the Vostok Brigade) and the Rusich Company. [267] It was this Romantic rediscovery and revaluing of indigneous pre-Christian religion that prepared the way for the later emergence of Rodnovery. [382] According to the movement, which presents itself as the true, orthodox, olden religion of the Russians, the Slavs and the white Europeans,[382] Yngly is the fiery order of reality through which the supreme Godcalled by the name "Ramha" in Ynglist theologyongoingly generates the universe. [328], The 1990s and 2000s also witnessed the development of international contacts between Rodnover groups from all Slavic countries, with the organisation of various All-Slavic Rodnover Councils. [19] In this way, Slavic Native Faith has been understoodat least in partas an invented tradition,[20] or a form of Folklorismus. The Slavs believed in three planes of existence: the heavens, governed by Perun, Dazhbog, Mokosh and Lada, symbolized by the sun and the moon; the earthly plane, occupied by humanity; and the underworld, symbolized by snakes and darkness, ruled over by Veles. Many Rodnover groups organise formal ceremonies of renunciation of Christianity (raskrestitsia, literally "de-Christianisation"), and initiation into Rodnovery with the adoption of a Slavic name. [102] The Russian volkhv Velimir (Nikolay Speransky), emphasises a dualistic eternal struggle between white gods and black gods, elder forces of creation and younger forces of destruction; the former collectively represented by Belobog and the latter by Chernobog, also symbolising the spiritual and the material. [119], Rodnovers express their anti-Christian views in various ways. The wheel equally symbolizes the power of life and knowledge. Rodnovers share the strong feeling that their religion represents a paradigmatic shift which will overcome the mental constraints which were imposed by feudalism and by what they call "mono-ideologies". Slavic Pagan symbols - Slav myth - home decor - Occult wallart - download png print ad vertisement by Wojdart. Later, Avdeyev abandoned Eurasian ideas and came to racial doctrine. She is the Slavic god of female endeavours, such as spinning, weaving, and shearing. The sacrificial ground is usually in the northern part of the square, so that during the sacrificial ceremonies both the priests and the laymen look towards the divine North Pole; otherwise, in the cases of those communities who give more importance to the cycle of the Sun, it is located in the eastern part of the square. In recent times, the movement has been increasingly studied by academic scholars. The Slavs believed in three planes of existence: the heavens, governed by Perun, Dazhbog, Mokosh and Lada, symbolized by the sun and the moon; the earthly plane, occupied by humanity; and the underworld, symbolized by snakes and darkness, ruled over by Veles. For those who do wrong, Viy punishes them with nightmares and terrible visions. The return to reflections on the "Aryan" theme takes many forms. [215] Some hierarchs of the Church have however called for a dialogue with the movement, recognising the importace of the values about the land and the ancestral tradition that it carries with itself, and even proposing strategies of integration of Rodnovery and the Russian Orthodox Church. [379], Authentism (Russian: ), incorporated as the Tezaurus Spiritual Union ( ""), is a Rodnover spiritual philosophy and psychological order created by the psychologist Sergey Petrovich Semenov in 1984, in Saint Petersburg. [397] The movement abhors moral decay, while emphasising discipline and conservative values, and even though Belov's early works do not have a radical right-wing posture, many adherents espouse such position. [222] Ceremonial accuracy is often considered essential for the efficacy of a ritual, but at the same time Rodnover rituals have been regarded as flexible frameworks, wherein there is room for elaboration and experimentation. He was associated with thunder, lightning, storms, fire, mountains, fertility, law, war and weapons. [109] Conversely, Sylenko's Native Ukrainian National Faith (RUNVira; also called "Sylenkoism") regards itself as monotheistic and focuses its worship upon a single God whom the movement identifies with the name Dazhbog, regarded as the life-giving energy of the cosmos. [333] The scholar Kaarina Aitamurto later criticised some of these Russian-language studies for reflecting scholars' own religious biases against Rodnovery, over-reliance on the published texts of prominent figures, or for sensationalising the subject to shock or impress their audience. [38] In his view, the Ukrainians were the superior manifestation of the European peoples,[99] and Kiev the oldest city of the white race. [410] A high proportion were also involved in specialist professions such as engineering, academia, or information technology, and the majority lived in cities. Russians in Estonia have established their own religious organisation, the Fellowship of the Russian People's Faith in Estonia registered in Tartu in 2010. Some Rodnover organisations require that participants wear traditional Slavic clothes for such occasions, although there is much freedom in interpreting what constitutes "traditional clothes", this definition generally referring to folkloric needlecraft open to a wide range of artistic patterns. [401] Veleslav's left-hand path has been criticised by other Rodnover groups and leaders including Speransky and Irina Volkova (Krada Veles). [64] Many Rodnovers have adopted terms that are already used to refer to other religions, namely "Vedism", referring to the historical Vedic religion and the ancient Iranian religion, and "Orthodoxy", commonly associated to Orthodox Christianity. [22] Also Jan Stachniuk fought against the Nazi occupation during the Warsaw Uprising. Her symbol, or star, serves as protection against negative energy or dark forces. [158] Other Rodnovers hold philo-Semitic views instead;[159] for instance, Kandybaites regard Jews and Asians in general as part of the same Eastern spiritual humanity of which the Slavs themselves are part, opposed to a Western despiritualised beastly humanity. [286] Three years later he reported sociological researches suggesting Ukrainian Rodnovers to be 90,000 or 0.2% of the population. It was believed that dead ancestors existed within the same spiritual plane as the Slavic deities. They hold that the Saga ob Ynglingakh, their Russian version of the Germanic Ynglinga saga (itself composed by Snorri Sturluson on the basis of an older Ynglingatal), proves their ideas about the origins of the Ynglings in Omsk, and that the Germanic Eddas are ultimately a more recent, western European and Latinised version of their own sacred books, the Slavo-Aryan Vedas. [92] Many Rodnovers believe in casteism, the idea that people are born to fulfill a precise role and business in society; the Hindu varna system with its three castes priests, warriors and peasants-merchants is taken as a model, although in Rodnovery it is conceived as an open system rather than a hereditary one. [168] Rodnover themes and symbols have also been adopted by many Russian nationalists who do not necessarily embrace Rodnovery as a religion,[169] for example many members of the Russian skinhead movement. Myths and symbols are considered to emerge from the subconscious of humanity, and to be imaginified sacred knowledge which has to be deciphered and reinterpreted since the true meaning is not always apparent. [178], Schnirelmann noted that the movement of Rodnovery is fundamentally concerned with the concept of "origins". [59] It has deep senses related to its Slavic etymology, that would be lost through translation, which express the central concepts of the Slavic Native Faith. The Ynglist Church too was formally established in the early 1990s, and it is considered one of the most sectarian and authoritarian denominations of Rodnovery. [31], A different perspective is offered by the historian Svetlana M. Chervonnaya, who has seen the return to folk beliefs among Slavs as part of a broader phenomenon that is happening to "the mass religious mind" not merely of Slavic or Eastern European peoples, but to peoples all over Asia, and that expresses itself in new mythologemes endorsed by national elites. The movement also rejects extreme right-wing and anti-Semitic ideas. [22] During the war, Stefan Potrzuski led a unit in the Peasant Battalion which battled the Nazi occupation of Poland. These gods are the personifications of the heavens, the earth and the underworld. [165] Schnirelmann similarly noted that there is a loose boundary between the explicitly politicised and less politicised wings of the Russian movement,[144] and that ethnic nationalist and racist views were present even in those Rodnovers who did not identify with precise political ideologies. [280], A key influence on the movement was the circulation of the Book of Veles among Russian and Ukrainian emigrees. [60] In 1996, the non-compound form was adopted by a Polish group, the Association of Native Faith (Zrzeszenie Rodzimej Wiary) and in 1997 by the Russian Union of Slavic Native Belief Communities ( ) led by Vadim Kazakov,[62] while the portmanteau Rodnoverie was widely popularised in Russia by volkhv Veleslav (Ilya G. Cherkasov) by 1999. [138] Over the course of several centuries, Slavic populations migrated in northern, eastern and south-western directions. 024-657-834 (CC0), Pixabay. Vishnu, and Intra, i.e. [301] Many individuals arrived at Rodnovery after exploring a range of different alternative spiritualities, with Asian religious influences being particularly apparent within Rodnovery at that time. Nemiza is the Slavic god of death, in that he or she would cut the thread of life. The god was depicted, at different times, as both male and female. [11] Many Rodnovers refer to their belief system as an "ethnic religion",[12] and Rodnover groups were involved in establishing the European Congress of Ethnic Religions. [111] A number of senior followers broke with Sylenko during the 1980s, rejecting the idea that he should be the ultimate authority in the religion; they formed the Association of Sons and Daughters of the Native Ukrainian National Faith (OSID RUNVira) and secured legal control of the temple in Spring Glen. In religious terms, it is in the guise of "Russian National Socialism" by Alexey Dobrovolsky (Dobroslav); in historiographical terms, it is the desire to demonstrate the "glorious Aryan past of the Rus"; in political terms, it is the slow transfer of "Aryan" allusions from the environment of extremist nationalist parties of the ultra-right wing to the political tools of more moderate groups (for example, the Party of Spiritual Vedic Socialism of Vladimir Danilov). In all traditions, circles can be made of with lighted candles, drawing circles in the soil, or with natural objects and tools. The term was first employed by Yury Petrovich Mirolyubovthe writer or discoverer of the Book of Velesin the mid-twentieth century, and later adopted by the founder of Peterburgian Vedism, Viktor Bezverkhy. [82] Belief in these deities varied according to location and through time, and it was common for the Slavs to adopt deities from neighbouring cultures. [283], One of the disciples of Volodymyr Shaian was Lev Sylenko (19212008). [190] Temple buildings (, khram) may be present. [121] In other words, fleeing from the commitment towards the forces at play in the present context is the same as a denial of the gods; it disrupts morality, impairing the individual, society and the world itself. [349] Koliada Viatichey refutes any non-Slavic influence in their religion, including the label "Vedic" and Vedic literature, influences from Eastern religions, influences from Roerichism and esotericism, and also the Book of Veles. Vasilyev's art is widely celebrated within the Rodnover community. [200], Many Rodnovers consciously and actively reject Christianity and the Abrahamic monotheisms,[201] regarded as destructive forces which erode organic communities,[16] with Christianity being perceived as a foreign entity within Slavic culture. I personally feel like these are more like good general pagan symbols rather than anything too specific. It is likely that the English word calendar is derived from this symbol name. Perun is the Slavic god of thunder, and of war. He is a god of thunder, lightning, and war, and is often associated with the oak tree. I want to invite you on a small journey into Slavic mythology and Polish witchcraft. [286] There is overlap between Slavic Native Faith followers and other sectors of Ukrainian society, such as the folk and traditional music revival groups, Cossack associations, traditional martial arts groups, and nationalist and ultra-nationalist organisations. [149] According to them, the Slavs are the directest descendants of an ancient Aryan race, whom they equate with the Proto-Indo-Europeans. As with the sun in the sky, he is symbolic of the triumph of light over darkness. Kupala night is still celebrated in many Northern European countries on the summer solstice, as the Pagan Slavic tradition was assimilated into early Christian rituals. [380], The Way of Troyan ( , Tropa Troyanova; where "Troyan" is another name of the god Triglav, regarded as the patron god of Russia), incorporated as the Academy of Self-Knowledge ( ) and the All-Russian Association of Russian Folk Culture ( ), is a Rodnover psychological movement founded in 1991 by the historian and psychologist Aleksey Andreev (pseudonym of Aleksandr Shevtsov) relying upon a thorough ethnographic fieldwork, especially focused on the Ofeni tribe of Vladimir Oblast. In the Slavic mythology, Veles (or Bog Veles) is the guardian of the Heavenly Gates, which separate the spiritual world from the physical world. The symbol of Rod is a circle containing a rose with six petals reaching out towards the edges. and the "Perun's sign", or "thunder wheel" (e.g. [411], Marlne Laruelle similarly noted that Rodnovery in Russia has spread mostly among the young people and the cultivated middle classes, that portion of Russian society interested in the post-Soviet revival of faith but turned off by Orthodox Christianity, "which is very institutionalized" and "out of tune with the modern world", and "is not appealing [to these people] because it expects its faithful to comply with normative beliefs without room for interpretation". [292] The first manifesto of Russian Rodnovery is considered to be the letter "Critical remarks by a Russian man" (Kriticheskie zametki russkogo cheloveka) published on such journal, anonymously in 1973, by Valery Yemelianov (19291999), who was then close to Khrushchev. 4000+ Symbols - PDF - Ready to print. Wojdart From shop Wojdart. 5 out of 5 stars (1) $ 5.52. [53] Also appropriate chants and gestures are believed to allow the participants to enter in communion with the upper world. [129] Most Rodnover groups will permit only Slavs as members, although there are a few exceptions. The name "Ringing Cedars" derives from the beliefs held by Anastasians about the spiritual qualities of the Siberian cedar. Koliada is sometimes called Tausen. [122], Rodnovers value individual responsibility as the cornerstone for the further maturation of humanity, equating the conversion to Rodnovery with such maturation. [322], Rodnovery spread to the countries of former Yugoslavia in the early twenty-first century. Tropa Troyanova does not identify itself as a "religion", but rather as a "traditional worldview". It is also a popular feminist symbol. [186] In following decades the work would have caused a sensation,[282] with many emigrees regarding it as a genuine tenth-century text. The Trojan symbol represents Triglav, which translates literally as three-headed. The three heads in question are those of Svarog, Perun and Veles. LADA Lada is the goddess of summer, love and beauty and even fertility. [119] Although some Rodnovers aspire to paradise, they argue that retribution is not deferred to a transcendent future but realised in the here and now; since gods manifest themselves as the natural phenomena, and in people as lineage descendants, Rodnovers believe that actions and their outcomes unfold and are to be dealt with in the present world. [79] They regard themselves as restoring the original belief system rather than creating something new. [70] Some groups have a more accommodating attitude about the coexistence of different lifestyles, holding that tolerance should be a key value. It is protective and some use it as a symbol of the goddess. [81], Prior to their Christianisation, the Slavic peoples were polytheists, worshipping multiple deities who were regarded as the emanations of a supreme God. [14] Laruelle has emphasised that Rodnovery "cannot necessarily be defined as a religion in the strict sense"; some adherents prefer to define it as a "spirituality" (dukhovnost), "wisdom" (mudrost), or a "philosophy" or "worldview" (mirovozzrenie). Slavic symbols originate from Northern Europe and Eurasia. In some versions of the mythology, Svarog is the creator of many of the other gods, and a slayer of dragons. Koliada is the God of the new year and of the rising of the new sun each day. The name Radegast translates approximately to dear guest or welcomed guest. He is associated with many animals, particularly birds and snakes. [299] Ivanovite teachings are incorporated by Peterburgian Vedism. 25.03.2010", " ( )", "Paganos de Rodnovery tambin participan en el conflicto ucraniano", "Locked up in the Donbas A look at the mass arrests and torture of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk", "Some in Donbas who want to create a new 'Russian world' are reaching back to pre-Christian times", "Sprawozdanie z III Oglnopolskiego Zjazdu Rodzimowiercw", " : ", All-Russia Population Census 2010 ( 2010), " : ", "Eestis registreeritud usulised hendused", "Vernacular Beliefs and Official Traditional Religion", " ' ', " '': ' ', " ", "The Three-Headed One at the Crossroad: A Comparative Study of the Slavic God Triglav", "Scythian Neo-Paganism in the Caucasus: The Ossetian Uatsdin as a 'Nature Religion', "Olav's Rose, Perun's Mark, Taranis's Wheel", " ' ' ( )", "Saving the Native Faith: Religious Nationalism in Slavic Neo-paganism (Ancient Russian Yngling Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings and Svarozhichi)", " ", " Ultima Frontiera : ", Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, "In Search of Deeper Identities: Neopaganism and 'Native Faith' in Contemporary Ukraine", " - ' ' ", " ", "A Preliminary Quantitative Study of the Mysticism and Religious Maturity of Contemporary Slavic Neopagans in Poland", " ", " ", " : ", "Alternative Identity, Alternative Religion? Etymology. The symbol of Rod is identical to the swastika symbol with four points and rounded edges. [308] In this context, the growth of Rodnovery can be seen as part of the nationalistic drive to regain national pride. [53] Rodnovers generally present their symbols in high-contrast colour combinations, usually red and black or red and yellow. [175] The Anastasians too organise their communities according to their interpretations of the veche, regarded as the best form of "self-government", where everyone expresses his opinion which is taken into account for the elaboration of a final unanimous decision; this process of unanimity arising from multiple opinions is seen as manifesting the divine law itself, theologically represented as the manifoldness of reality which is expression of the singularity of God. [48] As such, it represents wholeness, the ultimate source of renewal, the cosmic order and the four directions. [289] Boris Rybakov (19082001), former head of the Institute of Archaeology, provided the first academic studies about ancient Slavic religion. In Slavic mythology, Rod separated the physical world from the spiritual world. [435] Simpson observed that in the country, Rodnovers were "still relatively young",[436] and saw an overlap with the community of historical re-enactors. [177] Aitamurto has defined the Rodnover idea of the veche as a form of grassroots democracy, or, using the term preferred by the Ynglists, as a samoderzhavie, that is to say a system of "self-power", "people ruling themselves". [87] In the Russian and Ukrainian centres of Rodnover theology, the concept of Rod has been emphasised as particularly important. [215], The Rodnover priesthood is characterised by a number of attributes, sacred objects which mark their role. [6] The scholar of religion Adrian Ivakhiv has defined Rodnovery as a movement which "harkens back to the pre-Christian beliefs and practices of ancient Slavic peoples",[10] while according to the historian and ethnologist Victor A. Schnirelmann, Rodnovers present themselves as "followers of some genuine pre-Christian Slavic, Russian or Slavic-Aryan Paganism". The physical symbols that represented this deity were dolls made of natural materials such as wood (or straws) as well as water in the form of ice and snow. According to his followers, he acquired such knowledge through the "breath of his ancestors" being united with them "by divine holiness". [76] Thus, Czech Rodnover groups have coined Jazynictv and Slovak Rodnovers have coined Jazynctvo. 3. [63] The spread of the term reflected the degree of solidarity in establishing a broader brand and a sense of international movement despite the disagreements and power struggles that permeated the groups. In Slavic mythology, Dazhbog is the sun god. [440], The leader since 2007 is Richard Bigl (Khotebud), and the organisation is today devoted to the celebration of annual holidays and individual rites of passage, to the restoration of sacred sites associated with Slavic deities, and to the dissemination of knowledge about Slavic spirituality in Czech society. [271] The adherents believe that the class of the warriors should have the superior and leading role in society (espousing the idea of a military state and rejecting communism and democracy), and should be always ready to sacrifice themselves for the community. Slavic mythology has its roots in the human Neolithic Period, when various tribes of Slavic people, geographically designated as North, South, East, and West, worshiped pagan deities according to . The movement promotes traditional Russian healing methods, psychoanalysis and martial arts. Her main themes are weather, winter, spring, protection, death, rebirth, the cycle of changes, and growth. [370] These books teach what the scholar Rasa Pranskeviit has defined as a "cosmological pantheism",[371] in which nature is the manifested "thought of God" and human intelligence has the power to commune with him and to actively participate to the creation of the world. Check out our slavic pagan symbol selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. [112] A similar view is espoused by Russian Ynglism,[100] while another distinctively monotheistic Rodnover movement that has been compared to Sylenkoism is Russian Kandybaism. Add to Favorites Kolovrat Leather Keychain - Slavic Mythology Sun God Svarog Symbol leather metal T keychain - FREE shippng - snis. [429] The largest organisations are the Commonwealth of Rodoviches, which represents Rodnovers fully aligned with Slavic traditions,[215] and the groups Radzimas and Centre of EthnocosmologyKriya, which represents Krivich Rodnovery. The swastika, which is found on Slavic and Baltic patterns (on embroidery and ornaments of weapons and armor), is a traditional Slavic symbol [1] [unreliable source?] [125] Rodnovers are concerned with the oversaturation of cities and the devastation of the countryside, and they aim at re-establishing harmony between the two environments. [130] Many Rodnovers espouse socio-political views akin to those of the French Nouvelle Droite,[145] and many of them in Russia have come close to the ideas of Eurasianism. [55] The term derives from the Proto-Slavic roots *rod, which means anything "indigenous", "ancestral" and "native", also "genus", "generation", "kin", "race" (e.g. [181] Aitamurto observed that early Russian Rodnovery was characterised by "imaginative and exaggerated" narratives about history. [269] He claimed that in 1934 he underwent a spiritual revelation atop Mount Grekhit in the Carpathian Mountains. [126] In this way they argue that Russian Orthodoxy is distinct from other forms of Christianity,[106] and seek to portray it as the "younger brother" of Slavic Native Faith. [185] The fact that many scholars outspokenly reject the Book as a modern, twentieth-century composition has added to the allure that the text has for many Rodnovers. Nevertheless, according to Aitamurto, on the basis of the amount of literature that Ynglists publish and the presence of their representatives at various Rodnover conferences, is clear that Ynglism has a "substantial number of followers". [28] Some Rodnovers believe that the Aryans originated at the North Pole but moved southwards when the climate there became uninhabitable, settling in Russia's southern steppes and from there spreading throughout Eurasia. Her name translates as She who lives. Zhiva represents fertility, love and marriage. [220] Laruelle has observed that most Rodnover groups emphasise the exoteric aspect of the religion, organising large communal, popular celebrations, and spreading exoteric knowledge open to all. TScottFitzgerald 1 yr. ago. Ynglism meets widespread disapproval within mainstream Rodnovery, and an international veche of important Rodnover organisations has declared it a false religion. [321] Conflicts emerged around the interpretation of ancient Slavic religion: The Kin of Yarovit focused on Indo-European religion and its social trifunctionalism, the Kin of Mokosh focused on Neolithic Europe's mother goddess worship, while groups which emerged later, such as the "Kin of Veles", had no focus. In Belarus and the neighbouring regions of Russia there are groups taking inspiration from the Kriviches, of one of the tribal unions of the early East Slavs, mixing Slavic and Baltic traditions. [21] Simpson has noted, speaking of the specific context of Poland, that unlike historical Slavic beliefs, which were integral to the everyday fabric of their society, modern Slavic Native Faith believers have to develop new forms of social organisation which set them apart from established society. Find the perfect pagan design black & white image. Air is associated with communication, wisdom or the power of the mind. Some Russians have embraced Watsdin by virtue of the fact that most of the ancient Scythians were assimilated by the East Slavs, and therefore many Russians wish to reclaim Scythian culture by naturalizing into the Ossetian religion. The four points of the star represent faith, freedom, righteousness and honor, while the circle represents the Sun. [119] Christianity is also considered as a system that destroys morality by casting human responsibility away from the present world and into a transcendent future,[121] its theology also enforcing a separation of the supreme God from the world. ", " '', " ( )", " : XXI ", " : ", "Neo-paganism and Ethnic Nationalism in Eastern Europe", "Ancestral Wisdom and Ethnic Nationalism: A View from Eastern Europe", "Strategies for Constructing Religious Practice in Polish Rodzimowierstwo", " : Merjamaa ", N.N. The Rarg, in Slavic mythology and legend, is a fire demon. History . Modern religious movement based on pre-Christian Slavic beliefs, "Orthodoxy", "Old Belief", "Vedism" and other terms, General descriptors: Western "pagan" and Slavic, Views on Christianity and mono-ideologies, 1800s1920s: Romantic and Russian revolutionary precursors, 1960s1980s: Soviet Union and Slavic diaspora in the West, Branches, interwoven movements and influences, Authentism, Kandybaism, Levashovism, and the Way of Troyan, "". [227] The swastika (or kolovrat, as the eight-spoked wheel is called in Rodnovery) is considered the main symbol for mystical ascension to the divine world. [378], Bazhovism () originated as a branch of the Roerichian movement and is centred in the Ural region of Russia, where Arkaim, in Chelyabinsk Oblast, is regarded by the Bazhovites as the world's spiritual centre. [213], Christians have also been responsible for opposition to Slavic Native Faith, for instance through the establishment of social media groups against the movement. Vladimir Istarkhov, in the book "The Strike of the Russian Gods", predicts that in the era of Aquarius there will be a revival of the pagan gods, and the "Aryan power" will triumph over the "Jewish devil. Equally far from stock images of witchcraft is a military recruit who, in the mid-eighteenth century, at the acme of the Enlightenment, offered to assist the Russian imperial authorities with a bit of herbal magic that would "cover the Prussian king and his entire army with fog and release water and capture the king alive."

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