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senior director microsoft level

They know that if the team does well, they will do fine.5. Get FREE domain for 1st year and build your brand new site. Taking the easy escape out like that, you are more likely to get into the same situation at other companies. as many others posters said: if you are worry too much about promotion chances are you will keep worrying. Real HR managers from Microsoft would have just three [sic]s in a post of that length. First let's set the expectations right for this quarter and possibly the next: The budgets for promos are shrunk almost everywhere. Here are some thoughts from a L62-er who truly wants to accept whats keeping me from getting to 63 and work on it. Given that quite a few Microsofties are going to find themselves locked into their current group for a while, the ability to succeed by swinging on the vines to a new group is going to be rare. Aspects of an L63 Contributor: some random aspects that come to my mind beyond our CSPs: When I write all of this, I think back to an older piece by Joel Spolsky talking about Rosh Gadol contributors. SQL is one of the groups that has consistently delivered quality and growth. If a spot is available. But the clarity I have through the rear view mirror is staggering -- I was defining myself by what a bunch of poorly skilled managers thought, in a company that hadn't moved it's stock price in seven years. Hired at L58 in 2000 - Currently L62 and the last 2 promos were at 18mo intervals. That is, its hard to define, but I know it when I see it. Microsoft Software Engineering Manager Salary Levels | 6figr If you are working at Microsoft, plan well to climb up the job ladder. You're in competition with everyone else in your org in your CSP. Don't like branching strategy? In short there are lot many ways to influence others and infect the best ones are not being a manager :). Maybe Steve Jobs' psychotic approach to managing by terror is not properly described in English as "junk yard dog mode" (standing up for what needs to be done vs. mind-numbing consensus wallowing). The problem is you can't tell if you've done something to piss him off or if he's doing it because he has to. Same here. No matter how good you are, you will peak at some point and Microsoft will get rid of you. I am soliciting ideas to reduce cost in this blog. One could easily sack 4000 heads at HQ and R&D nor revenue would take a hit. Leak of Microsoft Salaries Shows Fight for Higher Compensation You don't get your money by snatching it out of Google or Apple's hands, you get it by convincing your customers to hand it to you.Do you want to know why Vista is such an unmitigated disaster? In spite of it, I've been promoted 8 times in 12 years. You forgot "never ask for a promotion".Forgive my cluelessness, but: Why not?MSS. Microsoft is so unique (and not in a good way) that you need to have blogs like this and focus on managing your career inside the hobbesian nightmare, rather than making good and cool software. I suggest understanding why it is "No" first, truthfully accepting the point-of-view as pissed off as it may make you, and then having a self-directed action-plan to get on track. The reason: there are a number of factors of success that are common at all levels (see #6 and #7 below). Why are we doing x and not y? Popping out of the pack in peer reviews may take some time so you have to be diligent, consistent and never give up. With wide-eyed wonder he asked WHAT? I said whatever the @#$% your manager most needs you to do!6. I would lay some level of accountability with management as well, though. What Is A Senior Director - Zippia Its UI is fundamentally incoherent, showing probably the worst case of design-by-committee since the control room at Three Mile Island. I think that a lot of what you wrote was spot on, although the situation varies somewhat across the company. But that will only be one more indicator that you are not ready to "face" your obstacles. I say this because I have seen really smart people shunned because of 'house-on-fire' attitudes even when they were dead right. You should be able to show the path to a goal, especially to collections of people who do not report to you. * One final important thought that hasn't been mentioned here and that is very dear to my heart is one that is not only specific to 63 but also to 65+, 66+, and 67+, and it is about moving up when you are a female at MSFT. He is a very, very smart guy.For many people, what made them successful as a level 62 IC will kill them as a level 62 manager. Specifically, what did they accomplish, and what contributions do you see them doing to justify their promotion? Thanks to Mini for the great information. "haven't seen nothing yet" is a fairly common construction. Whenever his lead would ask him to do X he would refuse and insist on doing Y instead. microsoft senior program manager salary redmond That is why to get to L65 a VP level person must know your work and be able to recall your name without help. What is up with the gold star awards? So far, I haven't been successful. Related Searches:All Senior Director Salaries|All Microsoft Salaries. mini,time to start a new blog: maybe around current economy and msft. Any tips will be greatly helpful. "We have a stable and relatively easy job, and as long as we achieve, we will not get fired." Saturday, November 15, 2008. I think getting promoted elsewhere is not as tough as getting promoted in CTS-GTSC. You can switch jobs internally and get leveled up (typically 6-12 months after) - but make sure you have the conversation with the manager as to what is the expected level and what is the cap. So either keep slapping yourself or choose to wake up. If you are not at the top of your stack rank for your level, you will not get the promo. You don't deliver products on your own -- you're usually building one system, one set of components that together make one successful (or unsuccessful) product.You can always, always find ways that make yourself, your manager, and your immediate team much more successful. similar to maybe how EY says senior manager is Director (pwc, kpmg) equivalent. Microsoft Senior Director Software Engineering Manager Compensation Even if you don't leave, make no mistake, I'll be building a backfill slate for your role just in case. Any suggestions on how to focus on this. I know many that purposely work for Microsoft as contractors just for this reason. For the folks on the path to L63, I want you to first understand your boss's opinion of you, your opinion of yourself, what it takes to succeed in your team, and then ways you can step up and be on the right path. Got lucky on that one!!!! And we have the budget for it. Thanks for starting this. I have some colleagues now stuck with a career that they dont really want because they move up too much. If you find yourself in this spot - get a good external mentor to help you manage through it if you don't feel you can have this conversation with your manager.4. Don't discount the power of a mgmt chain that believes in you. For example, when I joined MS in 1990 there were 6 devs working on the first version of Word for Windows. The current distribution is simply pathetic.. No, never: now, going back to that <> question above: if your boss is answering "No, never" then this is a red-alert moment for you. but I have to disagree with this statement.While it is true that it is difficult for managers to say what *exactly* an employee should do to get to the next level, it *should not* be impossible to list what experiences/qualities/results will qualify him to be a *strong* candidate for promotion to the next level.And this should not be that difficult - it is just a matter of syncing up with the peer leads, and dev manager, and discussing what their perception of an L63 is vs l62. Julien Belin - Senior Director Global Supply Chain - LinkedIn Entry level (4,718) Associate (1,976) Mid-Senior level (40,085) Learn everything I can about the technology (I'm a PM and don't have a CS background so I work extra hard at this and ask lots of questions.)2. And having a friend gain less than 3000/yr with a promo to Pricincipal cemented that. Incompetent People Really Have No Clue: If youre one of the people complaing about how youre not getting promoted because your mgr is incompetent and youre just as good as all those others who got promoted you could be right. There is always a manager who understands the underleveling of Office and old-Windows (hello Sinofsky - promos for all who stuck around regardless of merit!) So no time like the present to practice where you can. There is only one item in this list: visibility. To anonymous who has spent 3.5 years in role at MS. You're already blacklisted. Ready? Lots of terrible mid level managers at MS. To the person from MCS who said it was easy to get to 64 in MCS - MCSinTheFieldI agree with you there, you can get to a L64 in MCS but try to ever transfer to another org as a L64. My work affected hundreds of developers in our org. People who get stuck at the plateau are often referred to as disillusioned learners. We are all flawed, and you are lucky if people are telling you something that you can do something about. I think one of the things that is frustrating is how opaque the promotion system really is. In my own experience, even after being a great developer for 2+ years, with straight 4.0 scores at that time, and despite having Dev Manager roles before Microsoft, I would be turned down on informationals for Dev Lead positions with the simple question: Have you been a Dev Lead at Microsoft? Sometimes i laugh when i read the armchair CEO's on this thread - there is a lot of criticism of Steve, but 99% of our brains would absolutely pop if we had to confront the complexity of decisions he makes in one day. Not so at L63. Just pick one Job id, prepare for it and then go for internal. . L63 takes a bit longer but is also fast. All the money making groups cut 10% of the work force. The estimated total pay for a Senior Director at Microsoft is $500,742 per year. And to your boss. It varies greatly from manager to skip.The hardest point for me to bear is that I am young, capable of doing so much more, and absolutely dying to do more. I've been hearing some stealth layoffs around the SQL and BOSG groups, around 70+ people were given 6(?) When (if) you are then promoted to 62, you are not expected to continue performing at a level 62 level, but rather a level 63 level.The reason that you have to perform at a new level before reaching it is to avoid the Peter Principle, being people promoted up to their level of incompetence. Ah, dude, my boss is in the way of my promotion. Next, advertise your new branching strategy in your peer groups. What to do?The remaining is either a) absorb into other org (say A)b) if A doesn't need testers, then VP will instruct them to find another position in 6 weeks. I also agree with the requests to have a discussion related to 65+.Anyway, I have seen a very healthy discussion going on here, and most of the thoughts I wanted to share have been mentioned. You havent seen nothing yet. take the time to find a mentor that is a great fit for you and the issue you're working on. Thank goodness for this blog, where MS employees are free to talk about their personal struggles, unlike "other" blogs that censor/prohibit such discussions, so that they can live in some fantasy land and avoid dealing with the real issues. "This is the lament of every person in every big company everywhere it's usually a combination of truth (most of us are capable of more than the roles we're currently filling) and hubris (if I had a nickel for ever junior person who over-estimated what they were capable of I'd be retired). If I was 65/66 material, why did they wait until I gave notice to offer me the promotion? Furthermore, after reaching a plateua in order to get to the next level of development there is usually a dip in the current performance as the learner starts temporarily letting go of some of the skills they have mastered in order to experiment and try new things. I think there's only one thing I would add, from the perspective of having been promoted from L59 to L64 in a 6-year period in one org (I left MS in 2006).Sometimes things within an org will turn to complete crap, and either there's not an option to leave or you may not want to.

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