9. 04. 2023

secret floating prisons

Gizmodo reports that the largest floating prison in the entire world is currently docked off the Bronx in Long Island Sound. Danner also provided excerpts of the ICRC report characterizing procedures used at the black sites, dubbed "an alternative set of procedures" by President Bush, and discussed whether they fit the definition of torture.[14]. In the February 26 March 4, 2005, edition of Ireland's Village magazine, an article titled "Abductions via Shannon" claimed that Dublin and Shannon airports in Ireland were "used by the CIA to abduct suspects in its 'war on terror'". 4. However, the Central Intelligence Agency was discovered using waterboarding in secret prisons following the 9/11 attacks, justified as "enhanced interrogation." . ZEROHEDGE: Facebook Announces It Will Use A.I. Stafford Smith also said that up to 17 ships have been used as floating prisons, beyond the . We don't have facilities here. In practice, inmates in black sites have no rights other than those given by the captors. It also awarded Abu Zubaydah 30,000 euros to cover his costs. The facility is operated by a Moroccan government unit known as the Directorate for the Surveillance of the Territory (DST). Iliescu further stated that had he known of the intended use of the site, he would certainly not have approved the request. The men watched the guards discard their unfinished meals into trash bags hanging nearby and devised a plan. These Coast Guard ships are deployed deep into the Pacific sometimes thousands of miles from the nearest U.S. port, where they're detaining suspected smugglers and holding them aboard these Coast Guard cutters. [9] The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported details of black site practices to the US government in early 2007,[10] and the contents of that report became public in March 2009. The wide open seas must be convenient to dump the bodies/dispose of the evidence. Created out of necessity due to overcrowding in the 1980s, the ship has . It's not always clear that the drugs are coming here and, in fact, the circuit court in California has said that the U.S. can't prosecute these cases unless they can prove that the drugs were headed to the United States that they actually intended to to show up there. The argument by the Coast Guard and by federal prosecutors [is] that these logistical delays are legitimate, as its hard enough to get people back. In military terminology, a black site is a location at which an unacknowledged black operation or black project is conducted. . So the Coast Guard is arresting these people in these boats and it's not clear whether the drugs on these boats are going to the U.S.? Right now, a suspected terrorist is sitting in the bowels of a U.S. Navy warship somewhere between the Mediterranean Sea and Washington, D.C. Ahmed Abu Khattala, the alleged leader . Inquiry", "C.I.A. In December 2014 the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) published an executive summary of a secret 6,000-page report on CIA techniques. The report continued to state that the site was used to interrogate Al-Qaeda suspects who had been captured in Afghanistan. On November 3, 2005, Tom Malinowski of the New York-based Human Rights Watch cited circumstantial evidence pointing to Poland and Romania hosting CIA-operated covert prisons. The CIA has actively avoided or impeded congressional oversight of the program. Reprieve, a human right's organization, claims there have been more than 200 new cases of rendition since 2006 and that the US may have used as many as 17 ships as " floating prisons " since 2001. He really didn't know all that much about what he was doing. Eight airports outside Europe are also cited. Siemitkowski was charged with facilitating the alleged CIA detention operation in Poland, where foreign suspects may have been tortured in the context of the War on Terror. [37] Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has denied these reports.[38][39][40][41]. By its own admission, the US government is currently detaining at least 26,000 people without trial in secret prisons, and information suggests up to 80,000 have been 'through the system' since 2001. Follow him @timothybissell. To Scan Your Thoughts "To Enhance User Safety". In 2005 male prisoners were so agitated by her plight, Ridley said, that they went on hunger strike for six days. According to the separate European Parliament report of February 2007, the CIA has conducted 1,245 flights, many of them to destinations where suspects could face torture, in violation of article 3 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture. 1,3 . The alleged constitutional and international law trespasses took place when Leszek Miller, presently member of parliament and leader of the Democratic Left Alliance, was Prime Minister (20012004), and he may also be subjected to future legal action (a trial before the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland). [11], On September 6, 2006, Bush publicly admitted the existence of secret prisons[9] and announced that many of the detainees held there were being transferred to Guantanamo Bay.[12]. [71][72][73] In 2007, it was disclosed by Dick Marty (investigator) that the CIA allegedly had secret prisons in Poland and Romania. (Guardian) Al-Qaeda and the "War on Terrorism" (January 20, 2008) This number of 100 persons does not overlap, but adds itself to the U.S.-detained 100 ghost detainees.[28]. Jim Chalmers has been spotted de-stressing after a horrible week in which he was called an 'L-plate' treasurer and publicly pulled up by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over tax reform plans.. Dr . ", "Supreme Court rejects Guantnamo prisoner's request to interview torturers", Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism, Association for the Protection and Assistance of the Convicted, International Network of Prison Ministries,, Detention centers for extrajudicial prisoners of the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 15:17. secret floating prisons. The revelation of such black sites adds to the controversy surrounding US government policy regarding those whom it describes as "unlawful enemy combatants". The order also provided that "The CIA shall close as expeditiously as possible any detention facilities that it currently operates and shall not operate any such detention facility in the future. [15][16] Poland and Romania received the most direct accusals, as the report claims the evidence for these sites is "strong". 7. Now Donald Trump's chief of staff, General John Kelly, he played a key role in expanding the reach of the Coast Guard in this way. And we represent prisoners denied justice in the name of the War on Terror, including those held without charge or trial in Guantnamo Bay and the countless secret prisons beyond. [66][67], While the revelation was expected to cause considerable embarrassment for both governments, UK officials were expected to face considerable exposure since they had previously quelled public outcry over U.S. detainee abuse by falsely reassuring the public no U.S. detainment camps were housed on any UK bases or territories. See US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships for the grisly story. In the historic city of Bucharest, the CIA tortured and interrogated high-risk terrorists for years in a basement prison, under the nose of roughly two million Romanians. A former riding school in Antaviliai, a village some 25 kilometres (16mi) from Vilnius, was said to have been converted into a jail by the CIA in 2004. securities and exchange commission purpose; conservative party of canada ethics violations; hcpss staff dress code; role allocation definition sociology Coast Guard intercepts cocaine-filled submarine-like vessel - USA Today In their increasing effort to prove they are needed to stop the flow of drugs, the Coast Guard has continued to go further and further out into these international waters. A report by Helgerson's office completed in the spring of 2004 warned that some CIA-approved interrogation procedures appeared to constitute cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, as defined by the international Convention Against Torture. Torture was par for the course at the Salt Pit, and prisoners were often subjected to inhumane punishments and conditions, including mock executions. The Salt Pit, also known as Cobalt, is a former brick factory located north of Kabul in Afghanistan. The US Navy has anchored one of its secret prisons in Haitian waters Both men stated that they were violently abducted by Bosnian soldiers, who then accused them of being terrorists. According to the Times report, the 2005 Justice Department opinions remain in effect, and their legal conclusions have been confirmed by several more recent memorandums. [26], In a September 7, 2007, public address to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, rare for a sitting Director of Central Intelligence, General Michael Hayden praised the program of detaining and interrogating prisoners, and credited it with providing 70 percent of the National Intelligence Estimate on the threat to America released in July. [28], On April 21, 2006, The New York Times reported that European investigators said they had not been able to find conclusive evidence of the existence of European black sites. Pentagon maintains secret floating prisons? - CounterVortex You'll see the Doge's Palace's hidden torture chambers and even Casanova's jail cell. What we're seeing now is sort of carting people around carting suspected drug smugglers around the ocean an average of 18 days very often longer than that as the government waits to transport people to courts in Florida. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole bombings, was also supposedly held at Site Green. June 27, 2014. : out the best of Alltime10s - else to find All Time 10sFacebook: Tim Bissell is a writer and researcher who works in the Canadian television industry. Since then, the site has been used to train Lithuanias state security service. I really felt that officials thought people need to be moved off the boats more quickly and, again, are uncomfortable about the conditions that they have to hold people in. I need to understand the totality of the circumstances in which this question is being posed before I can give you an answer. The Post cited "U.S. intelligence and national security officials" in reporting this.

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