9. 04. 2023

fault lines in puget sound

[195] The southwestern boundary of the SWCC, where it is believed to be in near vertical contact with the Eocene basalts of the Crescent Formation, forms a good part of the 90km (56 mile) long SHZ. The Little River Fault (see the QFFDB, Fault 556) is representative of an extensive zone of faults along the north side of the Olympic Peninsula and in the Strait of Juan de Fuca (likely connected with the fault systems at the south end of Vancouver Island, see fault database map), but these lie west of the crustal blocks that underlie the Puget Lowland, and again their possible impact on the Puget Sound region is unknown. However, the Hood Canal fault has been "largely inferred"[147] due to a paucity of evidence, including lack of definite scarps and any other signs of active seismicity. [160] The Canyon River Fault is a major fault in itself, associated with a 40km long lineament and distinct late Holocene scarps of up to 3 meters.[161]. (2001),[111] relying on seismic tomography data from the "Seismic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound" (SHIPS) experiment, retains the thrusting slab and master ramp concepts, but interprets the Tacoma fault as a reverse fault (or back thrust) that dips north towards the south dipping Seattle fault (see diagram); as a result the Seattle Uplift is being popped up like a horst. [218] This would pose significantly greater seismic hazard than currently recognized, especially as the White River Fault is believed to connect with the Naches River Fault that extends along Highway 410 on the east side of the Cascades towards Yakima. [29] This prospect is especially intriguing as a possible explanation of a cluster of seismic events around 1100 years ago.[30]. A UW researcher says the fault line that caused earthquake that shook southern Turkey near the Turkish-Syrian border this week and killed more than 7,000 people is similar to the faults under Puget Sound. On the eastern side, where the SWCC is believed to be in contact with pre-Tertiary terranes accreted to the North American craton, matters are different. Read More. [188] In the acute angle between these is located the minor Lincoln Creek uplift, the Doty Hills, and an impressive chunk of uplifted Crescent basalt (reddish area at west edge of the map). This bend has distorted the subducting slab into an arch that has lifted the Olympic Mountains and prevented them from subducting. 1 - 10 of 77 American Spirit Cruise Reviews. [180], That Olympia and the south Sound are at risk of major earthquakes is shown by evidence of subsidence at several locations in southern Puget Sound some 1100 years ago. And though the faults in this area are not notably seismogenic, the southeast striking faults seem to be en echelon with the Olympia structure (fault? Review for American Spirit to U.S.A. Gilliancruise. Olympia VA Clinic at VA Puget Sound health care, 253-583-2621 The first item on your list though is the fault of builders and nobody else. Pratt et al. There are some interesting relationships here. Puget Sound Lidar Consortium Finding faults scarp(n). While there is a short zone (not shown) of fainter seismicity near Goat Rocks (an old Pliocene volcano[196]) that may be associated with the contact, the substantially stronger seismicity of the WRZ is associated with the major Carbon RiverSkate Mountain anticline. Mount Vernon Fault/Granite Falls FZ/Woods Creek, Rogers Belt (Mount Vernon Fault/Granite Falls Fault Zone), Saint Helens Zone and Western Rainier Zone, Quaternary fault and fold database (QFFDB), USGS QFFDB Fault #574, Devils Mountain Fault, USGS QFFDB Fault #571, Strawberry Point Fault, USGS QFFDB Fault #573, Utsalady Point Fault, Brightwater regional sewage treatment plant, USGS QFFDB Fault #572, Southern Whidbey Island Fault, USGS QFFDB Fault #575, Saddle Mountain Faults, "A Rifted Margin Origin for the Crescent Basalts and Related Rocks in the Northern Coast Range Volcanic Province, Washington and British Columbia", "Preliminary atlas of active shallow tectonic deformation in the Puget Lowland, Washington", "Volcanism, Isostatic Residual Gravity, and Regional Tectonic Setting of the Cascade Volcanic Province", "Findings on the southern Whidbey Island fault zone from aeromagnetic anomalies, lidar surveys, and trenching", "The Saddle Mountain Fault Deformation Zone, Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Western Boundary of the Seattle Uplift", "Connecting Crustal Faults and Tectonics from Puget Sound across the Cascade Range to the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt, Washington: Evidence from New High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data [Abstract GP232-02]", Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, "The Cottage Lake Aeromagnetic Lineament: A possible onshore extension of the Southern Whidbey Island Fault, Washington", "Location, structure, and seismicity of the Seattle fault zone, Washington: Evidence from aeromagnetic anomalies, geologic mapping, and seismic-reflection data", 10.1130/0016-7606(2002)114<0169:LSASOT>2.0.CO;2, "High-pressure metamporphism and uplift of the Olympic subduction complex", 10.1130/0091-7613(1990)018<1252:HPMAUO>2.3.CO;2, "Interpretation of the Seattle Uplift, Washington, as a Passive-Roof Duplex", "Tectonic elements and evolution of northwest Washington", "Quaternary faulting on Dow Mountain, Mason County", "Major Cenozoic faults in the northern Puget Lowland of Washington", "High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Imaging of Growth Folding and Shallow Faults beneath the Southern Puget Lowland, Washington State", "LITHOPROBE southern Vancouver Island: Cenozoic subduction complex imaged by deep seismic reflections", "Geologic map of the Lilliwaup 7.5-minute quadrangle, Mason County, Washington", "Geologic map of the Holly 7.5-minute quadrangle, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason Counties, Washington", "Geologic map of the Eldon 7.5-minute quadrangle, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason Counties, Washington", "Geophysical Investigation of the Southern Puget Sound Area, Washington", "Geologic Map and Interpreted Geologic History of the Bow and Alger 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Western Skagit County, Washington", "Geologic Map of Washington Northwest Quadrant", "Geologic map of the Oak Harbor, Crescent Harbor, and part of the Smith Island 7.5-minute quadrangles, Island County", "Geologic map of the McMurray 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Skagit and Snohomish Counties, Washington, with a Discussion of the Evidence for Holocene Activity on the DarringtonDevils Mountain Fault Zone", "Geologic map of the Fall City 7.5-minute quadrangle, King County, Washington", "Geologic map of the North Bend 7.5-minute quadrangle, King County, Washington, with a discussion of major faults, folds, and basins in the map area", "Geologic Map of the Snoqualmie 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, King County, Washington", "Geologic map of the Carnation 7.5-minute quadrangle, King County, Washington", "Supplement to the geologic map of the Carnation 7.5-minute quadrangle, King County, Washington Geochronologic, geochemical, point count, geophysical, earthquake, fault, and neotectonic data", "Geologic map of the Monroe 7.5-minute quadrangle, King County, Washington", "Geologic map of the Lake Joy 7.5-minute quadrangle, King County, Washington", "Geologic map of the Sultan 7.5-minute quadrangle, Snohomish and King Counties, Washington", "Geologic Map of the Lake Chaplain 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington", "Geologic map of the Lake Roesiger 7.5-minute quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington", "Geologic Map of the Granite Falls 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington", "Imaging Crustal Structure in Southwestern Washington With Small Magnetometer Arrays", "Geology of the Mount St. Helens Area: Record of Discontinuous Volcanic and Plutonic Activity in the Cascade Arc of Southern Washington", "Geophysical constraints on Washington convergent margin structure", "Aeromagnetic map compilation: procedures for merging and an example from Washington", "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue - a new perspective on seismic hazards in Washington using aeromagnetic data", "Constraints on surface deformation in the Seattle, WA, urban corridor from satellite radar interferometry time-series analysis", "Crustal Structure and Earthquake Hazards of the Subduction Zone in Southwestern British Columbia and Western Washington", "Late Mesozoic or Early Tertiary Melanges in the Western Cascades of Washington", "Seismotectonic map of the Puget Sound region, Washington", "Distribution of late Cenozoic volcanic vents in the Cascade Range: Volcanic arc segmentation and regional tectonic considerations", "Geologic map of the Wildcat Lake 7.5' quadrangle, Kitsap and Mason Counties, Washington", "Fault scarp detection beneath dense vegetation cover: airborne LIDAR mapping of the Seattle Fault Zone, Bainbridge Island, Washington State", 10.1130/1052-5173(2003)13<0004:HLTOTP>2.0.CO;2, "Structural variation along the Devil's Mountain fault zone, northwestern Washington", 10.1130/0091-7613(1980)8<15:SOTCVC>2.0.CO;2, "Fault number 572, Southern Whidbey Island Fault", "Active shortening of the Cascadia forearc and implications for seismic hazards of the Puget Lowland", "Active tectonics of the Seattle fault and central Puget Sound, Washington Implications for earthquake hazards", 10.1130/0016-7606(1999)111<1042:ATOTSF>2.3.CO;2, "Evidence for Late Holocene Earthquakes on the Utsalady Point Fault, Northern Puget Lowland, Washington", 10.1130/0091-7613(1994)022<0071:OAEOTS>2.3.CO;2, "The southern Whidbey Island fault An active structure in the Puget Lowland, Washington", 10.1130/0016-7606(1996)108<0334:TSWIFA>2.3.CO;2, "Late Holocene displacement on the Southern Whidbey Island fault zone, northern Puget lowland", "The Tahuya Lineament: Southwestern Extension of the Seattle Fault? The last major earthquake on the Seattle Fault occurred around 1,100 years ago, shifting the landscape in Puget Sound. [59] Another study identified an unusually broad band of scarps passing between Bothell and Snohomish, with several scarps in the vicinity of King County's controversial Brightwater regional sewage treatment plant showing at least four and possibly nine events on the SWIF in the last 16,400 years. These lineaments have been associated with possible zones of faulting in the crust and subducting plate.[212]. It is uncertain how these faults relate to the structure, and whether they are deep-seated faults, or fractures due to bending of the shallow crust. Can be formed by differential erosion of adjacent hard and soft rock; by localized erosion, for example at the edge of a river terrace; by movement of a landslide; or by a shallow earthquake that is large enough to break the Earth's surface. [120] However, the Saddle Mountain fault zone is not quite reciprocally aligned,[121] trending more northerly to where it encounters westeast trending faults (including the Hamma Hamma fault zone) that appear to be a westward extension of the Seattle Fault zone. Washington's fault lines tend to sweep east-west. However, there are indications that the fault is segmented, which might limit rupturing and earthquake magnitude.[36]. Deep quakes are the most common large earthquakes that occur in the Puget Sound region. Just four miles (6km) south the city of Oak Harbor straddles several stands of the Utsalady Point Fault (UPF) as they head roughly east-southeast towards Utsalady Point at the north end of Camano Island. . Although Washington State's Puget Sound has been shaken every few decades, damage in the region's largest cities, including Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, has only ever been modest. Ongoing mapping is revealing more faults. [53] Reckoned between Victoria and approximately Fall City the length of the SWIF is around 150km (90 miles). The QFFDB, citing lack of consensus, ignores the eastern part. [119] Several studies show that the southernmost strand of the SF, once past Green Mountain, turns southwest, towards the Saddle Mountain and Frigid Creek faults. Click a second point on the map, this will be the right side of the cross-section. [5] The southern limit nearly matches the southern limit of the glaciation; possibly the seismicity reflects rebound of the upper crust after being stressed by the weight of the glacial ice. It has been suggested that a corresponding change in the character of the SWIF may reflect a change in the direction of regional crustal strain. Seismic tomography studies show a change in seismic velocities across the northern end of the SWIF, suggesting that this is also part of the Coast RangeCascade contact. [203] This line is the southernmost of a band of NE trending faults and topographical lineaments that extend from the Oregon coast into the North Cascades. King County Emergency Management. 0 magnitude subduction earthquake off the Washington coast would generate a tsunami capable of submerging not only coastal areas but also most of the Puget Sound shoreline . Document name Date Description Additional versions; 2809: 4/1/2021: . [77] From a point just north of Carnation the eastern edge of the CCFZ (here it is about three-quarters of a mile wide) can be traced up Harris Creek, crossing the upper reach of Cherry Creek, eventually reaching the town of Sultan. ), Aeromagnetic mapping in 1999 showed a very prominent anomaly[172] (such as typically indicates a contrast of rock type); that, along with paleoseismological evidence of a major Holocene earthquake, has led to a suggestion that this structure "may be associated with faulting". How the CRBF might run north of Seattle (specifically, north of the OWL, which Seattle straddles) is unknown, and even questioned, as there is no direct evidence of such a fault. King County Emergency News. Despite not having active plate tectonics, the eastern United States still experiences earthquakes. There's a one-in-10 chance that the next . Slippage along the SWIF would be expected to continue east-southeast until it merged with the OWL, but instead appears to be taking a shortcut ("right step") along the RMFZ. [39] On the basis of marine seismic reflection surveying in the Strait of Juan de Fuca it has been suggested that the DMF, SPF, and UPF are structurally connected (at least in the segment crossing Whidbey Island). Thick glacial and other deposits, heavy vegetation, urban development, and a topography of sharp relief and rapid erosion obscures the surface expression of faults in this region, and has hindered their discovery. The Seattle uplift, and possibly the Black Hills uplift, consist of Crescent Formation basalt that was exposed when it was forced up a ramp of some kind. 2-5 Cruises Age 60s. But today, after 131 years of statehood, residents of this region still don't know if they have a legal right to walk across a privately . The study was. [70] Although the intervening section has not been mapped, geologists believe the GFFZ connects with the McMurray FZ to the north, and forms the eastern boundary of the Everett Basin. and Fault Location. Seattle Fault Zone in Central Puget Sound Washington Military Department FEMA Emergency Management Division . East of Puget Sound the basement of the Cascades province is various pre-Tertiary (older than 65 Ma) metamorphic rock., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, A great subduction earthquake, such as the. While there is a bit of uplifted pre-Tertiary rock between the SPF and UPF, this does not truly fit the uplift and basin pattern described above because of the small scale (2km wide rather than around 20), and because the uplift here is entirely like a wedge being popped out between two nearly vertical faults, rather than being forced over a ramp such as is involved with the Seattle and Tacoma faults. The Seattle Fault crosses east-west through Puget Sound and downtown Seattle. And in between these two the Strawberry Point Fault (SPF) skirts the south side of Ault Field, splits into various strands that bracket Strawberry Point, and then disappear (possibly ending) under the delta of the Skagit River. The WRZ and SHZ are associated with the southern Washington Cascades conductor (SWCC), a formation of enhanced electrical conductivity[194] lying roughly between Riffe Lake and Mounts St. Helens, Adams, and Rainier, with a lobe extending north (outlined in yellow, right). "Most often, when we think of tsunamis, we think of our outer coast and communities along the Pacific Ocean. [123] Other studies have faults extending NW or WNW from the SF towards Dabob Bay;[124] these are now recognized as part of the Dabob Bay fault zone. The Puget Sound region is not just potentially seismic, it is actively seismic. Washington State Earthquake Hazard Map Seattle Fault Lines 552 - Hood Canal fault zone (Class B) 570 - Seattle fault zone 572 - Southern Whidbey Island fault zone 575 - Saddle Mountain faults 581 - Tacoma fault zone USA Earthquake Hazard Map Source: United States Geological Survey Ready to retrofit? This boundary would be the contact where northward movement of the basement rock of the Puget Lowland against the Olympic Peninsula is accommodated; it would be expected to be a significant seismological zone. A Cascadia event could cause dangerous currents in Puget Sound, reaching speeds up to 9 knots in the Agate Passage north of Bainbridge Island and 6 knots off of Discovery Park in Seattle. [138] It arises from the contrast between the denser and more magnetic basalt of the Crescent Formation that has been uplifted to the east, and the glacial sediments that have filled the Dewatto basin to the west. [139] The Dewatto linement extends from the western end of the Tacoma fault (see map immediately above) northward towards Green Mountain at the western end of the Seattle fault. The largest intra-crustal earthquakes have about the same total energy (which is about one-hundredth of a subduction event), but since they are closer to the surface they will cause more powerful shaking, and, therefore, more damage. Aeromagnetic anomaly maps (USGS OFR 99-514). With inland, Puget Sound faults, like the Seattle Fault, the risk is comparatively smaller. Most people in the United States know just one fault line by name: the San Andreas, which runs nearly the length of California and is perpetually rumored to be on the verge of unleashing "the. 64, on-line) that the edge of the Crescent Formation offsets west along the Seattle Fault, with the Seattle Basin resulting from a gap between the main part of Siletiza and a northern block that has broken away. 206-296-3830. Study of surface deformation suggests possible unmapped faults near Federal Way, running between Sumner and Steilacoom, and south of Renton.[223]. (See, There is a preliminary report of aeromagnetic and gravity mapping placing the eastern edge of the Siletz terrane under Lake Washington. It therefore seems reasonable that the rest of the SWIF (and its apparent extension, the RMFZ) follows the Coast RangeCascade contact, and (these faults being active) constitutes the CRBF. West of Puget Sound the tectonic basement of the Coast Range geologic province is the approximately 50 million year (Ma) old marine basalts of the Crescent Formation, part of the Siletzia terrane that underlies western Washington and Oregon. Let's make your home safer Nurse Information Line at VA Puget Sound health care, 800-329-8387 x4. $30 to $33 Hourly. The SWCC appears to be Tertiary marine sediments, not the pre-Tertiary metamorphic rock of the Cascades province; this would seem to make it part of the Coast Range province, with the Coast RangeCascade contact further east. ), The Coast Range Boundary Fault (CRBF) is hypothesized, expected on the basis of tectonic considerations, which may correlate in part with one or more currently known faults, or may involve as yet undiscovered faulting. [192] Indeed, it is mainly by their seismicity that these faults are known and have been located, neither showing any surface faulting. fault Which of the following statements best describes elastic-rebound theory? (1997), while observing the "remarkable straight boundaries that we interpret as evidence of structural control",[171] refrained from calling this structure a fault. News Media at VA Puget Sound health care, 206-764-2435, 206-764-2317. This follows the front of the Rosedale monocline, a gently southwest-tilting formation that forms the bluffs on which Tacoma is built. [109] It extends as far east as (and probably terminates at) the Rattlesnake Mountain Fault Zone (RMFZ; the southern extension of the SWIF) near Fall City. There is evidence that the Tacoma Fault connects with the White River River Fault (WRF) via the EPZ and Federal Way, under the Muckleshoot Basin (see map),[137] and thence to the Naches River Fault. Strawberry Point and Utsalady Point faults, "The Puget Lowland is a north-south-trending structural basin that is flanked by Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks of the Cascade Range on the east and by Eocene rocks of the Olympic Mountains on the west. Plot Type: X-Section Depth Cumulative # Mag-Time. Review for American Constellation to U.S.A. chatuga. [145] This is conformable with some regional tectonic interpretations[146] that put a major terrane boundary between the Olympics and the Puget Lowland, and imply a connection (either via the Discovery Bay Fault, or closer to Port Townsend) to the various faults in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This is just after the terrane carrying the Olympic Mountains came into contact with the North American continent. [61], North of Everett is an area of parallel ridges and stream drainages oriented approximately NW-SE, evident even on non-geological maps. [96] As the juxtaposition of various disparate tectonic structures in northwest Washington requires significant strike-slip movement, it is further expected that this contact will be a major fault.[97]. [170] Gower, Yount & Crosson (1985), labelling it "structure L", mapped it from Shelton (near the Olympic foothills) southeast to Olympia (pretty nearly right under the state Legislature), directly under the town of Rainier, to a point due east of the Doty Fault, and apparently marking the northeastern limit of a band of southeast striking faults in the Centralia-Chehalis area. The Straight Creek Fault is a major structure in the North Cascades, but has not been active for over 30 million years. A similar line aligns with the termination of the WRZ, SHZ, and Gales Creek Fault Zone (northwest of Portland), with faulting along the upper Nehalem River on the Oregon coast,[211] and a topographical contrast at the coast (between Neahkahnie Mountain and the lower Nehalem River valley) distinct enough to be seen on the seismicity map above (due west of Portland). It appears that the Seattle Uplift is acting as a rigid block, with the Tacoma, Dewatto, and Seattle faults being the southern, western, and northern faces. These include (from north to south, see map) the: The Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland[1]) of western Washington contains the bulk of the population and economic assets of the state, and carries seven percent of the international trade of the United States. [58], Paleoseismological studies of the SWIF are scant. [213] Seismicity sometimes occurs in zones, such as has been observed under Mercer Island, or from downtown Seattle towards Kirkland[214] but whether particular zones reflect undiscovered faults, or might be the source of damaging earthquakes, is generally unknown. The Devils Mountain Fault is seismically active, and there is evidence of Holocene offsets. Very little is known about the structure of the deep crust (below about 30km or 19 miles), though this and other seismic tomography studies (such as Ramachandran 2001) provide tantalizing glimpses. The Doty fault has been mapped from the north side of the Chehalis airport due west to the old logging town of Doty (due north of Pe Ell), paralleled most of that distance by its twin, the Salzer Creek Fault, about half a mile to the north. The earthquake scenario used in the modeling is a "very large, low-probability" magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the Seattle Fault, which runs east-west through Puget Sound and downtown Seattle.. The structure of the Seattle Fault zone still have great uncertainty and there exist a number of interpretations. The EPZ is active, being the locale of the 1995 M 5 Point Robinson earthquake.[136]. [125] While some coherency is developing, the story is not complete: identified faults do not yet account for much of the region's seismicity. "Puget Sound and related inland marine waters, including all salt waters of the state of Washington inside the international boundary line between Washington and British Columbia, and lying east of the junction of the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the rivers and streams draining to Puget Sound as mapped by water resource . Curiously, the extension of line "B" north of the OWL is approximately the eastern limit of Puget Sound seismicity, the rest of southwestern Washington and the North Cascades being relatively aseismic (see the seismicity map, above). Following a mega quake on the Cascadia fault, simulations show that the tiny town of La Push would get hit first by a tsunami, 10 minutes after shaking started. 1 earthquake in the past 7 days. [131], The Tacoma Fault was first identified by Gower, Yount & Crosson (1985) as a gravitational anomaly ("structure K") running east across the northern tip of Case and Carr Inlets, then southeast under Commencement Bay and towards the town of Puyallup. Other faults to the south and southeast the Frigid Creek Fault and (to the west) Canyon River Fault suggest an extended zone of faulting at least 45km long. Nor does this uplift delineate any significant basin between it and the Devils Mountain Fault.

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fault lines in puget sound

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