9. 04. 2023

bible word count statistics

), I know that a good deal of youuse Logos. you see now why there are so many word counts floating around? Apocrypha: 152,185 words. In the next 400 years, different Non-Jewish rulers built OR defiled the temple until the 39BC battle in which Herod took charge of the temple. (More specifically the statistics for this matrix are written like this: 1 chance in 9,162,952,857,092 to occur randomly.) According to Open Thou Mine Eyes the King James Bible has a word count of 783,137 words. Box 40862, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, is simply not the case. Here's an example. we have seven compounded twice as much. If you use the full titles as in the 1611 edition -. : ). They ate on the sand because Torah is not yet firmed up. In conclusion to all this middle Curious about the percentage of words. as long as it's not for profit and not edited in any manner whatsoever. book of Psalms has superscriptions under some of the Psalms (chapters.) The website Open Thou Mine Eyes lists the New International Version as having a word count of either 727,969 words or 726,109 words, the English Standard Version having 757,439 words and the New American Standard Bible 782,815 words. Details of Bible Translations and their Sources. They old HAS to remain the SAME. Thank you so much for creating this list! Total You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. all that is within me, bless his holy name. than fiction. Also see Bible Reading Plans for several options.. Let me knonw I dont spam people or ever invade your email or world. Ive put together word counts for every book of the Bible. When Aramaic is spoken, we can sit at the holy meal and some of the conversation is private. Let's look at the books' word counts: The Hobbit - 95,022 words The Lord of the Rings - 455,125 words The Two Towers - 143,436 words The Return of the King - 134,462 words A Song Of Ice And Fire A Song Of Ice And Fire is written by American author George R.R. There is only ONE Letter that is missing for what seems to be a very long time but when you find Him you will see He comes with the 144K wearing the Name that is Gold on their foreheads as they ride with the WORD. The truth is there are 31,102 verses How many words are in the King James Bible? coming from the two center verses of the Book. They already have the word count for a passage range available, since they display differences. They do not set these rules in stone, and a writer can decide to exceed this word count. Susan. I use the NASB, and the words free and freedom show up 48 times in the NT. An acrostic is a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words. The middle verse of the Bible is said to be, in some calculates and translations, Psalm 118:8, but this source, citing the KJV, suggests it is Psalm 103:1-2. Consider that Matthew and Luke both have over 1,000 total verses.Matthew has 28 chapters, and Luke has 24. And this will be My covenant with them when I take away their sins. When you need to know how many words, pages, characters, paragraphs, or lines are in a document, check the status bar. Apparently Miscellaneous Resources, Copyright 2023 The Holy Word Church of God. * Bible manuscripts into English. Find out more, Condensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Book of Bible So in the the spirit of Luke 14:28, I offer the below table of milestones that will hopefully give us a sense of how long it will take to get through the Old Testament. Click Grid (D) to see the words in a spreadsheet. . These books have spurned a 8-season television show, Game of Thrones. This has many on the KJV. There are 5,888 or 5,845 verses in the Torah. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Next to the number seven, it is his favorite number. book of Psalms has superscriptions under some of the Psalms (chapters. This would give our typical bible 1,189 chapters. words either on the cover or the first page explaining which Bible you Can you reconcile that? Step 1: pick a Bible I needed word counts for every book of the Bible, so the first thing I had to do was choose the text I'd be drawing from. started off with a faulty statistic. It reads .) Philip have I been with you this long and you still do not know that I am IN the Father and the Father is IN me. cannot have a middle verse with an even number of verses. Run! Let me know where you are in your torah knowing and we can go from there. What a cool idea! Theme by ILOVEWP. File Name:Primitive-Word-Counter.exe Author: Our;s This Temple was famous as Herods temple and was destroyed by Titus in 70AD as Prophesied by Jesus in Matthew chapter 24. One topic about the Bible that differs among its many translations is the word count. Here is the link for this section: CT#1: Revelation 1:1-7 (see also Ps.22:16 ). The physical dimensions are also a factor. and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above then other sources suggest there to be 783,000 or 807,000 words, and your 611,000 word count is massively lower than either of these. He got the dot for his house and the HEY which means behold. There are 79,976 words in the Torah. Word Counter - Word Count Tool is a word counter that provides an extensive statistics about the word count, character count, the number of characters without spaces. New Testament: 181,253 words. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The approximate number of Bibles sold, given away or distributed in the United States every day is 168,000, according to statistics from Wycliffe International, Gideons International, and the . Trends in reading habits over four years . God loves the number twelve Kabal means receiving and Kabal Ah is the divine power of receiving. Order of the Phoenix is 1/4 of the total, just a tad short of the first three books' word counts combined. and they read "the Lord". This article is Copyrighted Shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117 with 2 verses and 33 words and longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. The WORD is firm and a solid foundation but the land which Torah stands is still sinking sand until He comes again to join all the Physical (Earth) and the Spiritual (heaven/Shamyim) together as ONE. Find out more, Condensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Surah of Quran These numbers are pulled from the original languages using Logos Bible Softwareyou can see how I did it below. Find out more, Topic List & Subject wise Quran arranged in Index and categories Job follows them on the list because it has three fewer verses than Matthew and 103 fewer than Luke.Yet Job is 42 chapters long. If you're a Bible geek like me, you might want to check it out. Continue reading"Bible word count statistics" Yes, I see four (bless his Here's the problem. There are 66 books in the Bible. ), The Bible has a Total of 66 Books with 39 (59%) Books in Old Testament and 27 (41%) Books in New Testament. will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness Whats a lemma? verses in the King James Bible, Total I dont see the link to the Letter of Light videos??? WINE/PROMISE cannot be poured into the TORHA because it would demand a rewrite. The values were hand entered into the Excel spreadsheet, while a macro in the spreadsheet They did, and they finally CAUGHT what they were fishing for. Heres an example. Philip, have I been with you for so long now and you still do not know that the WORD and the Aleph Bet are One I am (Word) in the Father Aba and the Father Aba is in me (the Word). This version of the bible includes both the Old and New Testaments. I do see, however, that you didnt distinguish between Hebrew and Greek, which makes comparing OT and NT books rather difficult if you want to compare length, given how on the one hand Hebrew is an agglutinating language, while Greek likes to multiply its articles for example. Contact Nic Kizziah, President, their website: And of course, I did this with all those books, so . In the end, correctly implementing MapReduce on the King James Bible will yield the following results as the top 5 words that appear: ('the', 63937) ('and', 51699) ('of', 34624) ('to', 13569) ('that', 12913 . some one on that committee was aware of all this stuff going on in the Longest Book of OT and of Bible is Psalms with 150 chapters 2,461 verses. For instance, there are approximately 175,000 words inside the Lord of the Rings trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien. Regardless of the version, it's safe to say the Bible is usually longer than most commercial novels. I would like to know the number of times the word free or freedom are used in the New Testament. subscriptions at the end of each letter. It's words in the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 - 22, Total middle words in the center of God's middle verses. Verse 1 continues - and all that is within me, bless his According to our table of data above, there are 609,269 words in the Old Testament and 179,011 words in the New Testament, making a total of 788,280 words. Bea the insect of the honey comb or 6 sided cell, in Hebrew the Name is Devorah. Remember, he escorted YHShua (Jesus) to the midnight trial. Now let's see if we can find some This however is mans accomplishment. Certain passages, like to the pure God is pure (paraphrased) are repeated verbatim in the Bible as are passages like 1 Sam 7 & 1 Chronicles 17 verbatim repetition, at least for part of those chapters. Biblical Word Counts I ask readers this week to bear with me while I share some statistics from the site King James Bible Statistics. Book in the King James Bible, Shortest , May 23, 2022. *Note on Num 25: The NAB follows the Hebrew Bible in numbering a 19th verse, although it prints the three words of v. 19 at the beginning of Num 26; most other ancient and modern Bibles (LXX, Vulg, KJV, RSV, NRSV, etc.) Shamyim is not heaven UP in the sky Shamyim is the divided waters of the Word of G-d. A typical novel has around 80,000 to 109,000 words as we mentioned before in our article on how many words are in a novel. I have checked and I know I can buy it, but another $400 is not what I would like to do. There are twelve Both perspectives, of man made and G-d given are needed so we have the physical attempt and the Holy spiritual reveal. Simple. Chapter in the King James Bible, Middle The middle verse of the Old Testament is [2 Chronicles 20:17], and the middle verse of the New Testament is Acts 17:17. and then selecting Word List from the options. In the next 400 years, different Non-Jewish rulers built OR defiled the temple until the 39BC battle in which Herod took charge of the temple. If you dont have the data for video, they can be listened to by selecting audio or download MP3. Total He appeared to them, John recognized his VOICE because John was a practicing Jew who was friends with the High Priest of that time. Then they direct you to the middle two words That's seven by Theological Research, a department of The Believers Organization. The YH is the physical and the VH is spiritual and the Name of YHVH is the Echad or ONENESS of shamyim and earth. Keeps of the flame Psalms 12:6 I just put this together today, so its not very pretty (yet! Thanks for all study tools you are making available. Hey, I too am interested in that knowing how to know the different words for every book of the bible. verse in the King James Bible, None Here are the word counts for the some of most common versions of the Bible: The New International Bible (NIV): 727,969 words. Played an intricate part in my sermon tomorrow. The Old Testament and the four Gospels are almost 90% of the Bible The books of the Old Testament are about 2.5 times longer than the books of the New Testament (about 5,000 words compared to over 12,000) 3 John is the shortest book of the bible. Need a topic for your upcoming argumentative essay? Im curious what the conversion rate would be though. This opened up a new Word List, which looked like this: Then I added the words from a single book of the Bible. Herod proposed to renovate the temple in 20-19 BC. Center of the Bible Bible Statistics This study includes referenced and independent research work to answer the question: "What is the center of the Bible?" by Fran Corpier VALID DATA: I have included, below, the web version of my excel workbook. What else would you expect in the center of God's Holy Bible? You can sort the table by clicking on any of the headings or search for words or word portions in the search box. Salvation comes from the Jew Holy Hebrew is all they have that the world doesnt have. The following statistics apply Here is the video, below the video you have other options for download of MP3 or to listen online so you do not burn up your data watching video. cannot have a middle verse with an even number of verses. However, another source, Bible Believers, states that the 1611 King James Bible has a word count of 788,280 words. It makes me laugh just to think about it. Overall, it is difficult to pin down exactly how many words the Bible had when it was written in its original Hebrew language. Did you know, that at the Passover Seder, there are portion of the dialog that are in Aramaic (every day Hebrew not Holy Hebrew) because the Jewish teaching is that the Angels only listen when Torah Hebrew is spoken. Verse 2 concludes Isnt wonderful how so many of us find each other. times the word "CHAPTER" is listed - 1,034 (in 5 books the word is not listed because they only have one chapter), Total The Words property counts all the text on slides and notes pages. You can build your word count statistics with as many or few words as you like, or even use exact-phrases. Verse Concepts. First Templedestroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. Now you can see a breakdown of each search term and how many matches there are in the Bible. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: John 10:27. Whatever your personal belief, the Bible is a controversial text. We can be like the Letters each with a story of our own being paired UP with another witnesses of the ORH. right in the center of the two middle verses! The many translations of the text all have different word counts. Nevertheless they did not Bible has a total number of 783,131 Words. Your word-count of the Bible is an excellent gift to the world, including this grey-haired retired pastor; THANKS . . I am studying Russian, and being able to review frequency lists before each book I read in Russian will help greatly. Im writing another article on the word counts of each book in the Bible, your material here is invaluable, but Im concerned at how you end up with your 611,224 word total. the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Aramaic however is also a wonderful language you will learn as you Learn the Light onto the World. Weve collated a number of word counts on this page,, (Yours is at the bottom, not as a sign of its importance, just due to the chronology of adding it today!). Then I just enter in a book of the Bible. In this case, of course, it is the first letter of each line. The Bible is more than 600,000 words long in its original languagesbut how are those words distributed across the 66 books of the Bible? I was fascinated by the word count of the books in the Bible. While 783,137 words and 3,116,480 may seem to be a lot, there are others with even more. Now i am going to add up all the words in Acts thru Revelation for those who think the Holy Spirit left out a lot on how the NT church understood the gospels. It only uses the KJV, so the counts are a bit different than here. This last one is really good for gauging where a topic is most emphasized in Scripture. People do you KNOW the WORD as it WAS in the day of your Deliverers Life? The truth is always better during the process of time. Old Testament: 592,439 words. Very interesting, I didnt know that Jeremiah and Genesis had more words than the Psalms! Created by AhrefsAhrefs They are credited to Euthalius, a bishop have you done a study on the percentage of torah words represented in the 1st 6 chapters of genesis, This is awesome and done by Torah scholar editing team with Wiki English,, 153 fish they caught in their net Noah is 152 verses go here to read more of my found bread There are 8,674 various Hebrew words scattered throughout the King James Version of the Bible, as well as 5,624 Greek words and 12,143 English words. When a dot is missing, lets say the one that is is the B or Bet Letter, it means the house or dwelling place has no heart. This means that in the end, each word will be a (word, int) value, where int is the number of times that word was seen in the map phase. When you do an analysis on that it will list the words you want with the count across all books. Very exciting stuff. Verse 2 concludes Im looking for a word count for each chapter of each book of the bible. Wait There Were How Many Herods?! Snake is H8577 man decided to translate what the Torah called the Seer into a snake. Have you done word frequency lists? His house has many rooms, each word is a room with Letters as guests. Luke 2:3. It turns out 14 Greek words are translated free in the New Testament, and sometimes theyre used elsewhere and translated differently. The above figures for the total number of words per book include both the "shorter ending" and "longer ending" of Mark's Gospel (16:9-20), as well as the story of the adulterous woman (John 7:53-8:11), but do not include the other verses listed in the previous note. *Question:* Are you using Matthew 18:20 when you say: A Word, two our more Letters of Light gathered together I know that the name Matthew in Hebrew is a abbreviated form of the Tetragrammaton, YHWH or Gift Of Yah. Hey, Neil. [Ed. Have you ever done, or thought of doing, a word count of how many different words in each book are used? Large Module Library. In order you wish to use this article in a profit making capacity then permission The longest name is in the 8th chapter of Isaiah. I have read through the entire bible several times and I look forward to reading it again and again, etc If you and any of your commenters have read through the bible even one time, you probably may concede its virtually impossible to comprehend all the meanings and understand what is taking place on your first run through the bible. You will find that is wonderful and care about the other nations and the stranger in their land. =). Its all down to how the publisher prints the final product that will be put on store bookshelves. the number seven. In the Word Count dialog box: The Word Count dialog box includes the Include . You can check out the Web versions, or just download the spreadsheet and play with the numbersall you want: You can click on any book of the Bible to read an overview of what its about. Dont overlook the title and section headers when putting together your next writing assignment. Those debates are exacerbated by the fact that there are more than a hundred translations of the Bible from its original Hebrew, even translations of translations. in some of the Psalms), Total I have only one teacher, Rabbi and Father but for the sake of my brothers I will not disrespect them because they have given me Salvation in their keeping Torah alive long enough so that I CAN SEE without another man standing between me and my G-d. Do one of the following: On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click the Word Count button: Press Ctrl+Shift+G. The average of Words per verse in OT is 27.6 and in NT its 22.2. In response to this four-part question, 22% of Americans say the Bible is the actual word of God, to be taken literally -- a bit lower than when using the three-part question. This search method will display various Bible Text Statistics Data by Sequence This feature will find every verse, word, and even letter in relation to a number you enter and then cycle according to a second number you enter after single space.

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bible word count statistics

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